Front and Rear Narrated by Two Books

Lurestanian memories of anthem and battle

Mohammadali Fatemi
Translated by: Ruhollah Golmoradi


This time two books added to the library of Oral History Website; "Battles to Win: An Oral History of Educational Affairs choir of Khorramabad "and "Baladchi (guide): Volume I_ from Birth to Operation Dawn-9." Books that their subjects and creators are from Lorestan and both have been published this year.


Trips of a Choir

One of the books of the series "Treasure: An Oral History of Cultural Front of Islamic Revolution: songs and lyrics of Revolution- 1" named "Battles to Win: An Oral History of Educational Affairs choir of Khorramabad" researched and formulated by Saman Sepahvand, provided in Oral History Unit of Office of cultural Front Studies of Islamic Revolution and published by the office of Nashre Maaref.

This 374-page book in 8 chapters and several appendixes (annex, text of songs, pictures, and index) is outcome of about three years of interviews and research based on interviews, writings of the narrators and newspaper archives. Sepahvand describes step by step in introduction process of forming a structure that the work is seen now in that format and adds: I selected book narrator unidentified first-person who tells memories collectively. Wherever there were personal memories of the group, the narrator has been changed third-person to be covered part of individual memories of the group members. I titled Book as "Battles to Win"; it is name of one of the most famous songs of the group that has more celebrity."

Memories of 8 chapters are allocated atmosphere of years of Sacred Defense to death of Imam Khomeini (R.A.). The memories begin with a description of process of forming educational affairs choir of Khorramabad and continue by expressing trips and programs of the choir over the years and events that they had lived. These events sometimes are related to the group and personal state of its members, and sometimes what they had seen around themselves and in the program. Feature of educational affair choir of Khorramabad activity over the years is traveling a lot and especially being in commands within the sacred defense regions.

After this, there are "Brief biography of maestro Isa Sepahvani" as core of formation of the group and the article "Explaining Successful Model of revolutionary artistic mentor; case study of late maestro Sepahvani (mentor of Educational Affairs choir of Khorramabad)". The article was written by Said Khorshidi and 27 interviews were analyzed for it and 35 main categories were extracted. After that, characteristic of part of "text of anthems" is that local Lorish songs are given in original language and translated into official Persian in the country. Photos of Group and their mentor and index of the book are at the final. Index of the work, is a remarkable symbol of effort for writing and compiling "Battles to win" and that it is attempted all related persons to the group and their programs to be introduced and recorded.


From Rescuing To Guiding

Another book that it is also related to Lorestan and was published in current year is called "Guide: Volume I- From Birth to Operation Dawn- 9". A work of Ismaeel Sepahvand in 7 chapters with titles such as: Operation Ramadan, Detection of Jafir, Operation Dawn-6 and Operation Dawn- 9.

This 684-page book was developed in the office of Stability Culture and studies of Lorestan Art Center in collaboration with the cultural headquarter of Saheb-ol-Amr (AS), and was published by Sooreh Mehr Publication.

Ismaeel Sepahvand reviews from his birth in 1969 to summer of 1983 in the first chapter. He was born in a village in 15 kilometers of eastern Khorramabad and his memories of 1979 surmount other points of the chapter.

From chapter II until end of the book, the narrator's memories of the sacred defense are followed. Before arrival of main theaters of the Saddam's army war against Iran, he expresses memories of instructional period; with many details that has remained in memory of the narrator. There were times like this before operations that he participated in that in which he also in this way and detailed, writes about atmosphere and their events for readers.

We see regarding details in describing scenes of battles with the enemy; as the narrator is confronted with reality of war, and at the same time, his thought and mind also smacks reality. This could be found in details of his memories and his statement that, "A fourteen year old teenager knew nothing about war." But the sacred defense and especially the first operation he participates in, transformed him another character: "I who was a rescuer 15 days ago and didn't know anything about war, now told description of operation and my experiences for the newly arrived forces."

The narrator continues the process and gives this Q & A in the first steps into intelligence unit of operation:

"How many operations have you participated in?

Two operations.

How many defenses have you worked?

Two ones.

Which courses have you been trained?

Destruction ...

Where have you been trained?


What was your task in the two operations?

I did not want to tell Operation Ramadan.

I was sniper in Operation before the Dawn.

What was another operation that you said?


What did you do there?

I wanted to avoid, but I saw I would be more sensitive.

I was rescuer."

Ismaeel Sepahvand becomes guide of warriors and of course destruction training would be also used and sometimes his activity is more about destruction and as opener of detected passages for warriors. His memories of detection and intelligence of operation missions are also along with details and is accordance with giving niceties of behavior of individuals and scenes of battle. From this perspective, "Baladchi" is and unputdownable work about the sacred defense as viewed by one of combatants of Lorestan; a book that has also story of entrance of warriors of the province to several operations and reveals their specific moods in view of the narrator.

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