A Prolegomena to Some Theoretical and Functional Problems of Oral History

Although, there is lots of information from the close past, some parts of its mechanism in producing and transferring documents have always been noted and criticized.

A Childhood Memento5- A Memoir by Dr. Anvar Khame’ee

was the best student in class. Four or five months after the beginning of the school year, when I just learnt a couple of alphabet letters, I became bald.

Democracy: the Rule of Nobodies

In the article Oral history, Nobody’s History, in issue No. 10, I talked about the people who make history but their identities remain anonymous. The most significant and miraculous thing ever happened to nobody is the development of the concept “democracy” which in its Latin origin means the rule of demos. Demos in Latin mean common people, the people which Quran calls them nas.

Ayatollah Taleghani at Hedayat Mosque

There is no doubt that Hedayat mosque in Tehran, located at the conjunction of Jomhouri and Lalehzar Streets played a significant role in religious-political activities before the Islamic revolution.

A Childhood Memento 4- A Memoir by Nasrollah Karimi

Back then, I used to work in the vocational school of the factory. High tables had huge clamps and the small ones had small clamps. I used to place a plastic petrol container next to high tables and stand on top of it, in order to reach the table. When I was filing, the file was right in front of my eyes. The students used to laugh about this.

The shifts in the Middle East and the Issue of Oil

We know that issues such as Iran's 19th August coup in 1953 or the consecutive coups in Iraq were all closely related to oil issues, but I have tried, in the present essay, to assess the topic through a novel, or maybe an overlooked, point of view.

CIA Narrates the Coup

As one of most important and crucial political events of Iranian contemporary history, the coup of August 19, 1953 is considered the origin of many bitter historic incidents of this country.

Forty years of experience in interviewing

The article has started by relying on this point that: "the method of historiography in Islamic countries is principally oral history". Then the writer addresses definitions about the concept of "oral history".

The Travelogue of Martyr Sayad Shirazi (by Mohsen Kazemi)

In our country, Iran, the practice of oral history is enmeshed with the war. One could even say that the tradition of oral history in Iran was established because of the war. Maybe, this approach was used to record the history of war and later, they realized that it has other functionalities as well.

A childhood Memento3- A Memoir of Dr. Javad Hamidis memory

The very first day I went to school, the teacher handed me an alphabet book and told me: "copy the alphabet. Let's see if you can write." When I did, he kicked me in my back; I fell down and my nose bled. I was utmost sad.
Oral History School-3

From Defining the Plan to Estimating the Costs of Oral History Project

According to Iranian Oral History Website, the third online session of “Oral History School” was held by Iranian History Association on Monday evening, July 8, 2024. In this session, Dr. Mehdi Abolhasani Taraghi gave a lecture focused on “Finding a Topic and Defining the Plan in Oral History”.
The story of Red Cross and Seyed Ali Akbar Aboutorabi

Rest House no. 13

Narrator: Colonel Mohammad Khosh Niat
In the year 1363(1984) and after a few months after our transfer to Mosul Camp, Haj Seyed Ali Akbar Aboutorabi came also there. He had been captured in the first days of the war. Earlier, we had heard a lot about him from the captives who had gone to the Intelligence Department and been tortured. We knew that a person ...

Why did you come with this person?

The ceremony to honor Rezaees’ father was supposed to be held in England and I would go there along with Mr. Ghaffari and Mohtsham, but I went to Paris to do some work. We had an office in Paris which was run by a faithful person. He was responsible for writing, printing, duplicating and distributing the leaflets to different cities.

Life and Time of Ali Akbar Moeenfar

“Life and Time of Ali Akbar Moeenfar” authored by Parviz Sa’adati has been published by Sooreh Mehr Publications. The book is the result of more than 110 hours of interviews with the late Ali Akbar Moeenfar. He is the first Head of the Planning and Budget Organization as well as the first Minister of Oil in the interim government of the Islamic Revolution.