To Schedule & Coordinate an Interview
Hamid Qazvini
Translated by Natalie Haghverdian
In oral history projects, interviews shall be scheduled and conducted upon preliminary coordination. If it is recognized that interview is the cornerstone of every oral history project, then time considerations and methods of conducting an interview are of critical importance. This requires communication and precise dialogue between the scholar and the narrator.
In fact, it is one of the duties of the interviewer to establish a telephone communication and speak to the narrator to first introduce himself comprehensively. Then, he shall inform the narrator of the goals of the project and limits of concepts and subjects and the key questions and build trust and gain his/her agreement for the interview. Also, probable concerns which might affect the interview and its quality shall be rectified.
There might be many cases where the narrator has legal, political, security, social and cultural limitations or other challenges and it is critical to resolve all such issues prior to the interview to avoid any complications.
Below, there are few requirements pertaining the interview schedule and coordination:
- It shall be determine whether the project is personal or commissioned by a research or publication center.
- Interview shall be scheduled for a time when the narrator and scholar have sufficient free time.
- The narrator and interviewer should have had enough rest and be fully prepared.
- The narrator and interviewer shall be emotionally and psychologically prepared for the interview.
- In scheduling an interview the priority is with the narrator and avoid any pressure.
- Interview time and place shall be precise, transparent and determined and both parties shall be fully aware of it.
- Breaks in between the interview sessions shall be organized to avoid exhaustion and tiresome or oblivion or lack of interest in both sides.
- Reminder of interview schedule and final coordination shall be conducted one day or couple of hours prior to the interview.
- Scholar shall record all probable considerations of the narrator and observe them during the interview.
- The narrator shall be supported to clearly state his opinions and priorities prior to scheduling an interview.
- It is better to schedule an interview for a time where there is no one around to distract.
- The narrator shall be informed on the method, archive, publication and exploitation of the interview content.
- The narrator shall be informed and agree on the method of interview recording (audio or visual).
- It is essential to ask the narrator to prepare any documents or images pertinent to the interview concept.
- In case there is a financial aspect involved with the interview, the terms of such agreement shall be notified in writing and approved by the parties prior to the interview.
- The interview shall be scheduled for a time and in a location properly suited for audio visual recording.
- The narrator shall be informed in case the interviewer requires equipment to be prepared by him/her.
- The narrator shall be informed if any other colleague or friend is accompanying the interviewer.
Oral History Interview & Importance Part 1 - Oral History, Path to Cultural Dialogue
Oral History Interview & Importance Part 2 - Characteristics of an Interviewer
Oral History Interview & Importance Part 3 - Selecting a Subject
Oral History Interview & Importance Part 4 - Narrator Identification & Selection
Oral History Interview & Importance Part 5 - Goal Setting
Oral History Interview & Importance Part 6 - Importance of Pre-interview Data Collection
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