For Spring

The Devotee of Spring Stays Alive

Hamid Qazvini
Translated by: Zahra Hosseinian


With the arrival of spring and the beginning of Farvardin[1], the previous year turns to the memories and becomes a part of history with all its joys and sorrows. Reflection on spring is reminiscent of the truths of existence and human existence is the bedrock of perceiving it; as if the Creator of the universe created human to understand these truths.


The change of seasons from spring to winter and the re-emergence of spring are associated with human life. When everything tends to perish, nature comes to life and the blossoms appear beautifully and world comes to life too.


In several verses, the Qur'an emphasizes looking at life, death, and afterlife, and also stresses thinking about how God controls this cycle. From this perspective, some mystics and sages pay attention to the second life or spiritual birth. They consider physical life as the first life, and spiritual development as the second life. They evaluate anyone, whose soul has withered and has no dynamism, as the one who have no real life. For this reason, spring is a promise of salvation from the desires for many who thinks and reflect.


In a gentle affinity with the month of Sha'ban - the month of forgiveness and kindness - now we experience another spring when has provided an opportunity for purity of heart and avoidance of bad desires and passions. It is important to review the past and learn its lessons; and the good should be strengthened and the bad should be abandoned. In this regard, oral history is undoubtedly a suitable tool for the life of a society.


Hoping the well-being and successful of all friends, colleagues and enthusiasts in this field and the nation of Iran and the world in the New Year.


[1]. Farvardin is the Iranian Persian name for the first month of the Solar Hijri calendar; and it begins on March 19 or 22, and ends on April 18 or 21.

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