Da (Mother) 102

The Memoirs of Seyyedeh Zahra Hoseyni

She wanted to continue the conversation, but I didn’t have the patience for it. To be truthful, I wasn’t at all fond of her yammering. I told her several times, “Try to put up with it a little more; there are so many people here worse off than you and I. The doctors and nurses are all dead tired, and the wounded keep streaming in. All of them are on their backs, too.”

Narration of haj Ebrahim Alijani; one of the survivors of a saga on 5 June in Varamin plain

We Put Seyyed on the Ground and Ran Away

On June 5, 1963, a delegation left the market to come to the courtyard. At the crossroads, some people were standing on stools and held mourning. We moved to the courtyard again. That day we had a guest from [shrine] Shah Abd al-Azim.

The 352nd Session of Memory Night-2

The 352nd session of memory night held in Hozeh Honari of Engelab-e Eslami, Sooreh Amphitheater on November 23, 2023. This part of the session is allocated to narration of champion fighter, Hajj Mohammad Talebi. In this meeting which was along with book launch of “Miandar”, Sardar (IRGC’s General) Asadollah Naseh, Doctor Musa Zare, and Hajj Mohammad Talebi narrated their memories.

Memoirs of Hassan Soleimani, a servant and guard of Imam Khomeini (God bless his soul)

Selection of Mosalla for people’s farewell with Imam

The moments when the body of the imam was being washed, Haj Ahmad Agha [Imam’s son] told Mr. Ansari that we wanted to find somewhere or a center to keep the body of the late imam for two or three days so that the people came and bid farewell with him. Mr. Ansari regarded Mosalla as a proper place and left.

A memory regarding ulema’s sit-in in Tehran University

This activity and going back and forth continued until two or three nights before the Imam's arrival in Iran, when Bakhtiar prevented him from entering. Mr. Jalali Khomeini called and said that all the prayer leaders should gather in the university. We must sit down and stand in front of the government so that the Imam would definitely come.

Da (Mother) 101

The Memoirs of Seyyedeh Zahra Hoseyni

Uncle Hoseyni had gone to Iran from Basra to raise a family when I was a year old. Sometimes he included pictures in the letters he sent to the grandparents. The stylish clothing he and his family wore seemed stunning to me. They weren’t dressed in the dishdashas we wore. Even at that early age I could tell that life in Iran was very different from life in Iraq.

The 352nd Session of Memory Night-1

The 352nd session of memory night held in Hozeh Honari of Engelab-e Eslami, Sooreh Amphitheater on November 23, 2023. This part of the session is allocated to narration of champion fighter, Hajj Mohammad Talebi. In this meeting which was along with book launch of “Miandar”, Sardar (IRGC’s General) Asadollah Naseh, Doctor Musa Zare, and Hajj Ahmad Talebi narrated their memories. Davood Saleh hosted this night of memory.

Treatment of the Wounded on 7 September

The injured people of the incident [7 September of 1978, Tehran] were taken by the people to the house of the late Dr. Vaezi, located in the head of Rouhi alley. Together with Ms. Azam Taleghani, we put some of the injured women in the van and took them to Dr. Vaezi's house, whose office was also there, and he started treatment. A large number of committed doctors, including Dr. Fayyaz Bakhsh, who was a friend ...

Oral History News of April-May 2024

According to Iran's Oral History website, "News of the Month" is the title of a series of reports on this website. These reports have a look at the news related to the topic of the website in written and virtual media. In the following, you will read news from April-May 2024. Research Vice President of Jurisprudential Heritage Institute emphasized the ...
A review of twenty years of oral history in Iran

Scientific and professional authority; perspective of Iranian Oral History Association

If a person has a personal library in his or her house, one or more oral history books are seen among them. In recent decades, the wave of book lovers has turned towards the field of oral history, and all this rising trend is owed to the activists in this field.


A memory from Asadollah Tajrishi
At the beginning of my arrival in Evin Prison, I was taken to solitary confinement as always and after a few days, I was transferred to the public cell. The public cells had been located in two floors. The arrangement of these cells in the cells of 1355 and 1356 was such that on the lower floor, there was a ward ...
Part of memoirs of Mamoosta Molla Qader Qaderi, Paveh’s Friday Prayer Leader

The trip of Ahmad Moftizadeh & Mamoosta Sheikh Jalal Hosseini to Paveh

After the victory of the Islamic revolution, the people of Oramanat area and the Sunni people of Kermanshah Province, unlike most cities in northern Kurdistan were alongside the Islamic Republic system ...

“Internal Reaction” published

Apart from the student activities and massive demonstrations in the years 1352 to 1354 (1973-1975), another part of my activities was the books I was writing myself. Of course, before they turned into books, I used to lend them in the form of nameless pamphlets in university libraries. Many harmful writings or books were taken to the mountains or transferred to other universities, sometimes even abroad.