Acquaintance of Oral History

“Oral history” can be broadly defined as a report on unknown person’s experiences and feelings. Although the definition is not comprehensive but it can be acceptable with regard to working class as one of the main subject of oral history researches.

Muslim Students Association of the U.S and Canada

The beginning of the seventies was the heyday for the economy of Iran before the revolution. Muhammad Reza Pahlavi was expanding his dictatorship more than ever with the wealth the excessive sale of oil had brought him.

Bloody Smile: A different account on Shonam assessment session

December 4th 2010, Sacred Defense Museum Garden, Hamadan Province; Hamadan province is hosting Sacred Defense researchers and literati in an experts' gathering arranged to critique a book that has 10 impressions since its debut at Tehran International Book Fair in May 2010.

In Commemoration of our Christian Compatriot Veterans

We start today, Saturday January 1st 2011, as our Christian compatriots celebrate the Christian New Year. By “Christian compatriots” I mean those who fought alongside Muslim veterans as well as Zoroastrians and Jews.

Oral history of Iranian Islamic schools, Narrator: Mohammad Dadgostarniya

When I was a teacher, I had a plan in my class. I always would say to my good students that if they help weak students to get better marks, I''ll give them the same number of positive marks as a kind of reward to them.

A Memoir about Shams-e Al-e Ahmad’s Trip to Cuba

In 1985 I had an official trip to Nicaragua in Central America. The dictator of this country had been fallen down some time after the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979. This country was considered as a New Leftist pattern for the Latin Americans. During the trip a group of Islamic Consultative Assembly and I had a meeting with Daniel Ortega (the president then and now) who was elected by Sandinistas Revolutionaries.

The Layers of Oral History Texts

If the interviewer has enough information and skill as well as courage, he or she will be able to extract the historical facts even from the most concealing and conservative memory tellers, and the output will be a strong and valuable text in the field of oral history.

The Mother Of All Battles

Secret materials discovered in several important official archives captured during the 2003 Iraq War offered the Western world its first detailed insight into Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.

An Introduction to the book of Interview in Oral History

Interview in Oral History is a collection of the selected articles of the 4th Professional Oral History Conference and Workshop held on 25th and 26th February 2008 at “Resistance Literature and Culture Research and Studies Center” in Tehran, Iran. The difference of the 4th conference with the previous ones was that the previous conferences had a general look at oral history debate.

Re-Writing History(The Iran-Iraq war 30 years later)

In the 30 years since the start of the Iran-Iraq war, our understanding of the conflict has undergone periodic shifts. Today, thanks to the release of Iraqi documents that were previously classified, the willingness of participants to discuss the war, and the persistence of researchers, more is being learned about the war than ever before.
Part of memoirs of Haojjatol Eslam Sheikh Esmaeel Dayani

Saudi attack on Iranian pilgrims

My most memorable trip happened in 1366 solar hijri (1987) during which I accidentally was the head of the caravan. On that trip, the brutal massacre of the Iranian haj pilgrims by the Saudi agents happened. That horrible tragedy occurred on Friday which was later known as "Black Friday"… Almost everybody had prepared to take part in the rally on the day of the "Disavowal of Polytheists".

Nurse of Fav Hospital

“I didn’t see this event in Ayoubi Hospital, but I did in Fav Hospital exactly. At least once a day, we witnessed the flight of Iraqi jets from that area which came to strike the hospital. Of course, our forces poured so much dirt and sand on the concrete roof of the hospital that it became like a hill, and the guys could hardly understand the sound of the bomb and...

Report on the Fourteenth Conference of Oral History- 3rd and final part

Connecting oral history to the body of power is traumatic
According to the Iranian Oral History Website, the 14th Oral History Conference titled “Oral History on Scale” was held by the History Department of the University of Isfahan and the Oral History Association of Iran on Tuesday morning, May 14, 2024; professors, experts, and ...
A review of twenty years of oral history in Iran

Scientific and professional authority; perspective of Iranian Oral History Association

If a person has a personal library in his or her house, one or more oral history books are seen among them. In recent decades, the wave of book lovers has turned towards the field of oral history, and all this rising trend is owed to the activists in this field.