“Oral History School”-1

From “Event-oriented” Oral History to “Hermeneutics” and “Holiyat (Circumstances)”

According to Iranian Oral History Website, the first online session of “Oral History School” was held by Iranian History Association on Saturday evening, July 6, 2024. In this session, Dr. Morteza Nouraei gave a lecture about “History and Perspectives of Oral History.”

Documents Used in Oral History

First, how should the documents be used and in what process should they be cited? Of course, in the first step, like any oral history question, with whom? Where? How? What time? and why It is related, one should also ask about historical documents and evidence, who, how, where, when and why created it? Who were his audience? How are the documents described? How was their archive?

The differences between "oral history interview" and "news interview"

From the Purpose and Content to Questioning Method

Oral history website - those who are planning to enter the oral history space - should be aware that there is a difference between an oral history interview and a news interview. A linear interview such as a news interview should not be taken as a verbal interview. Achieving this skill also requires increasing knowledge, repetition and practice.

Review of the Series of Interviews about “Material Intellectual Property Rights of Oral History Works”

From Ignoring the Narrator’s Rights to Impose One’s Preferences in the Text

In the last months of 1402 SH, Iranian Oral History Website (oral-history.ir) conducted and published a series of interviews titled “Material Intellectual Property Rights of Oral History Works” with publishers, ...

Material Intellectual Property Rights of Oral History Work-10

The Oral History Association is not allowed to interfere legally in the issues of this field

Following our discussion of Material Intellectual Property Rights of oral history works, we had an interview with Dr. Ali Tatari, one of the managers and activists in the field of oral history. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Iranian Oral History Association, the ...

Material Intellectual Property Rights of Oral History Work-9

Oral History Text Belongs to the Narrator

Following our discussion of Material Intellectual Property Rights of oral history works, we had an interview with “Mohammad Ghasemipour”, the former director of the Center for Culture and Resistance Research in the strategic deputy of the provinces of Hozeh Honari (artistic field). For more than 10 years, he has been holding oral history training ...

Works of Oral History and Upcoming Problems-3


In order to better understand the problems of producing books with the subject of oral history or memoirs, the oral history website has conducted short conversations with some experts and practitioners, the results of which will be presented to the readers in the form of short notes and in several parts.

The ownership of the work is still not clear for the oral history books

If we do not share our expectations of the rights of oral history works, we will suffer misunderstandings

Following our discussion of Material Intellectual Property Rights of oral history works, we had an interview with Dr. Gholamreza Azizi, the former director of the Archival Research Institute of the National Library and Archival of Iran (NLAI).

Material Intellectual Property Rights of Oral History Work-7

It is among the narrator's rights to know from the ultimate goal of the interviewer and final confirmation of the text.

The importance of paying a decent fee to a methodical and scientific oral history project

Following our discussion of Material Intellectual Property Rights of oral history works, we have had an interview with “Yadollah Izadi,” one of the narrators of the Sacred Defense era, and a researcher and activist ...

Is oral history the words of people who have not been seen?

Some are of the view that oral history is useful because it is the words of people who have not been seen. It is meant by people who have not been seen, those who have not had any title or position. If we look at oral history from this point of view, it will be objected why the oral memories of famous people such as revolutionary leaders or war commanders are compiled.
Part of memoirs of Haojjatol Eslam Sheikh Esmaeel Dayani

Saudi attack on Iranian pilgrims

My most memorable trip happened in 1366 solar hijri (1987) during which I accidentally was the head of the caravan. On that trip, the brutal massacre of the Iranian haj pilgrims by the Saudi agents happened. That horrible tragedy occurred on Friday which was later known as "Black Friday"… Almost everybody had prepared to take part in the rally on the day of the "Disavowal of Polytheists".

Nurse of Fav Hospital

“I didn’t see this event in Ayoubi Hospital, but I did in Fav Hospital exactly. At least once a day, we witnessed the flight of Iraqi jets from that area which came to strike the hospital. Of course, our forces poured so much dirt and sand on the concrete roof of the hospital that it became like a hill, and the guys could hardly understand the sound of the bomb and...

Report on the Fourteenth Conference of Oral History- 3rd and final part

Connecting oral history to the body of power is traumatic
According to the Iranian Oral History Website, the 14th Oral History Conference titled “Oral History on Scale” was held by the History Department of the University of Isfahan and the Oral History Association of Iran on Tuesday morning, May 14, 2024; professors, experts, and ...
A review of twenty years of oral history in Iran

Scientific and professional authority; perspective of Iranian Oral History Association

If a person has a personal library in his or her house, one or more oral history books are seen among them. In recent decades, the wave of book lovers has turned towards the field of oral history, and all this rising trend is owed to the activists in this field.