Material Intellectual Property Rights of Oral History Work-4

Most Oral History Practitioners Get Caught Up in Criteria of Formal Compilation of Organizations

Following our discussion of Material Intellectual Property Rights of oral history works and the note of A Heritage With No Legal System, we discussed with Sooreh Mehr Publications, Fatehan Publications, and Sooreh Sabz Publications. During the latest weeks, the Oral History Website interviewed with some oral history practitioners in this field. In the current interview, “Dr. Abolfazl Hasanabadi” addresses more accurate and more concrete angles of material intellectual property rights in oral history books.

Material Intellectual Property Rights-3

“Work for Hire Agreement” is the best approach with difficult publishing conditions

Following our discussion of Material Intellectual Property Rights of oral history works and the note of A Heritage With No Legal System, we discussed with Sooreh Mehr Publications and Fatehan Publications. This time, the reporter of Oral History Website interviewed with the manager editor of Sooreh Sabz Publications about material intellectual rights:

Qualitizing the Oral History Works -3


In order to understand more about how to improve the quality of book production on the subject of oral history or memoirs, the oral history website has conducted short interviews with some pundits and authorities, the results of which will be presented to the audients in the form of short notes and in several episodes.

Interview in Oral History of Sacred Defense-2

According to many experts, interview is the heart of oral history and plays the role of the first brick in oral history. That’s why it is necessary even for people who have experience and knowledge in this field to acquire more knowledge, and modify and complement previously used methods. This necessity is more evident when we re-examine the interviews that were not conducted with the necessary standards.

Material and Intellectual Rights of Oral History Works-2

The publication "Surah Mehr" focuses on respecting the equal rights of the parties

To continue the issue of material property rights and intellectual property of oral history works and heritage notes without a legal system, we discussed with Surah Mehr Publications. This time, the reporter of oral history website has interviewed the responsible manager of Fatihan Publications about material and intellectual rights: General Ali Nazeri, the responsible manager of Fatihan Publications, who has been working in the field of publishing sacred defense books for about 13 years, ...

Interview in Oral History of Sacred Defense-1

According to many experts, interview is the heart of oral history and plays the role of the first brick in oral history. It is the same principle that necessitates even for people who have experience and knowledge in this field to acquire more knowledge, and modify and complement previously used methods. This necessity is more evident when we re-examine the interviews that were not conducted with the necessary standards.

A Heritage with No Legal System

Oral history, which is conducted through targeted interviews, preserves a part of the past and transfers it to future generations, and contains important resources for researchers in various scientific disciplines. Many events and information of the contemporary era to be endured through these audio-visual files, without which, they cannot be preserved and transferred to the future. In many cases, oral history interviews have a unique position and preserving and publishing them is important in many ways; especially, since they may be the only source available from a person.

Oral History Works and Upcoming Problems-2

In order to understand more about the problems of producing books on the subject of oral history or memoirs, the oral history website has conducted short interviews with some experts and practitioners, which will be presented to the readers in short notes and in several parts. Previously, the first part of this note was published under the title of “Oral History Works and Upcoming Problems-1” and the following is the second part.

Qulaitizing Oral History Works-2

Using white writing paper to print the book makes the readers eyes tired. On the other hand, if the volume of the book is large, it would be heavy. To solve this problem, it is suggested to print the book on bulky paper. However, due to high porosity, these papers are thicker but lighter. Also, the proper printing of this type of paper does not bother the readers eyes. Interestingly, such paper is cheaper than other types.

Qualitizing Oral History Works-1

The selection of photos and documents at the end should be related to the contents of the book. To improve quality of the work, it is suggested to link these photos and documents to the text. It is better to include the page number of the text in the caption of the photo and document; put also number of the document or related photo in parentheses in the main body so that the audience can easily access it.
Part of memoirs of Seyed Hadi Khamenei

The Arab People Committee

Another event that happened in Khuzestan Province and I followed up was the Arab People Committee. One day, we were informed that the Arabs had set up a committee special for themselves. At that time, I had less information about the Arab People , but knew well that dividing the people into Arab and non-Arab was a harmful measure.
Book Review

Kak-e Khak

The book “Kak-e Khak” is the narration of Mohammad Reza Ahmadi (Haj Habib), a commander in Kurdistan fronts. It has been published by Sarv-e Sorkh Publications in 500 copies in spring of 1400 (2022) and in 574 pages. Fatemeh Ghanbari has edited the book and the interview was conducted with the cooperation of Hossein Zahmatkesh.

Is oral history the words of people who have not been seen?

Some are of the view that oral history is useful because it is the words of people who have not been seen. It is meant by people who have not been seen, those who have not had any title or position. If we look at oral history from this point of view, it will be objected why the oral memories of famous people such as revolutionary leaders or war commanders are compiled.

Daily Notes of a Mother

Memories of Ashraf-al Sadat Sistani
They bring Javad's body in front of the house. His mother comes forward and says to lay him down and recite Ziarat Warith. His uncle recites Ziarat and then tells take him to the mosque which is in the middle of the street and pray the funeral prayer (Ṣalāt al-Janāzah) so that those who do not know what the funeral prayer is to learn it.