A Spring Note

A Conversation for Today and Yesterday Inspired by Nature

Spring song is heard. The earth shows its colorful face. Nature is on the path of excellence and leaves winter behind. It is as if this eternal teacher reminds people that the past is not unrelated to today and tomorrow. In order to reach spring, one must experience winter and note that the ...

Comprehensiveness and Amnesia in “Oral History”

According to the author, it can be claimed in some ways that Iran is the land of cultural "epidemics"! At any time, it is possible to witness that a wave of attention to a cultural field in the country starts at once, and several centers pay attention to a common work widely. The example of writing encyclopedias is a prominent example of this type of cultural epidemic that we witnessed its ...

An overview of the challenges of news interviews and oral history interviews

A Reporter Who Absolutely Ignored Oral History Book

In the late 2010s, I accepted an oral history project at the suggestion of a friend; without knowing the depth of the prerequisites, dos, don'ts and challenges of the oral history interview. I did an hour-long interview a week, and when it was over, I felt that the amount of energy spent was more than news interviews and it didn't go as smoothly as I thought.

A Critique on Oral history of War Commanders

“Answering Historical Questions and Ambiguities Instead of Individual-Organizational Identification”

“Oral history of Commanders” is reviewed with the assumption that in the field of war historiography, applying this method is narrated in an advancing “new” way, with the aim of war historiography, emphasizing role of commanders in creation of its situations and details.

Three Achievements of Cultural History for War Researchers

Perhaps the claim that the most important influence of cultural history on war studies was the deconstruction of the concept of "history" and the concept of "war" is not an exaggerated one. Cultural history actually deconstructed the concept of war and the history of war. Cultural history tells us not to see the war exclusively in the contexts, manifestations of the people who were only on the battlefield, but also see the contexts adjacent to it.


In order to understand more about the problems of producing books on the subject of oral history or memoirs, the oral history website has conducted short interviews with some experts and practitioners, which will be presented to the readers in short notes and in several parts. Haste: Haste is a big problem in research works, but it is more visible in oral history. This problem is more related to the clients.

Oral History; Science or Method

Now the question is whether oral history, which has a deep relationship with history, is a science or a research method under the science of history! To get the answer, it is better to take a look at the background of oral history. Oral history is one of the new research achievements in history, which describes and identifies past events based on the views, hearings and actions of witnesses and related people.

Consequences of misusing the title of oral history

Using the title of oral history for any memoir text or autobiographical book is one of the harms that can be seen in the works published by many small and large cultural publishers and organizations in recent years. These centers, which sometimes have government budgets, ignore the nuances and details of such projects, and generously use the title of oral history for any memoir or biography, and consider themselves to have a high record and a high possibility of activity in this field.

Which Option is Preferable?

Text, With or Without Questions

Oral history, as it has been stated many times, is the result of a problem-oriented and purposeful conversation between two people, one of whom is the questioner and the other the answerer. Sometimes the question is raised that should the text resulting from the oral history interview be compiled and published in the ultimate fidelity to the original structure or it is possible to make some changes such as deleting questions?


Another Page and Mood of Life

Spring, calmly and soulfully, arrived on the bed of Nowruz (New Year) and with the month of Ramadan. In fact, the earth and the sky have sung a happy song with a common voice; they have opened a new book and brought a new look. Its new spring in that try to be cheerful! People of the word have defined cheerfulness as joy, happiness, sincerity, purity of intention. It is a manifestation of consent, ...
Part of memoirs of Haojjatol Eslam Sheikh Esmaeel Dayani

Saudi attack on Iranian pilgrims

My most memorable trip happened in 1366 solar hijri (1987) during which I accidentally was the head of the caravan. On that trip, the brutal massacre of the Iranian haj pilgrims by the Saudi agents happened. That horrible tragedy occurred on Friday which was later known as "Black Friday"… Almost everybody had prepared to take part in the rally on the day of the "Disavowal of Polytheists".

Nurse of Fav Hospital

“I didn’t see this event in Ayoubi Hospital, but I did in Fav Hospital exactly. At least once a day, we witnessed the flight of Iraqi jets from that area which came to strike the hospital. Of course, our forces poured so much dirt and sand on the concrete roof of the hospital that it became like a hill, and the guys could hardly understand the sound of the bomb and...

Report on the Fourteenth Conference of Oral History- 3rd and final part

Connecting oral history to the body of power is traumatic
According to the Iranian Oral History Website, the 14th Oral History Conference titled “Oral History on Scale” was held by the History Department of the University of Isfahan and the Oral History Association of Iran on Tuesday morning, May 14, 2024; professors, experts, and ...
A review of twenty years of oral history in Iran

Scientific and professional authority; perspective of Iranian Oral History Association

If a person has a personal library in his or her house, one or more oral history books are seen among them. In recent decades, the wave of book lovers has turned towards the field of oral history, and all this rising trend is owed to the activists in this field.