Ahmad Ahmad Memoirs (5)

Edited by Mohsen Kazemi

Ahmad Ahmad Memoirs (5)
Edited by Mohsen Kazemi
Soureh Mehr Publishing Company
(Original Text in Persian, 2000)
Translated by Mohammad Karimi

Unburdened Sorrows
Following Imam Khomeini Begins
When Grand Ayatollah Boroujerdi passed away, the Shah’s regime tried hard to show that Ayatollah Hakim in Iraq was officially the most high-ranking Shia clergy in order to transfer Shia power core out of Iran; however, presence of Ayatollah Khomeini and subsequent events showed these attempts were useless.
In 1962 when Asadollah Alam government ratified the bill of “Provincial Councils”.(1) The Clergy and activist groups including Islamic Coalition Party (Hey’at-haye Mo’talefeh Eslami) shaped a movement and many announcements were issued in opposition with this bill.
The announcements and telegrams of Grand Ayatollahs such as Imam Khomeini, Milani, Qumi, Shariatmadari, Golpaygani, Mar’ashi Najafi were read for public in mosques and other religious circles by preachers like Hojjatoleslam Mohammad Taqi Falsafi.
The name of Ayatollah Khomeini was not familiar to me among other Ayatollahs whose announcements were read. My brother had talks about his morals, knowledge and fights against the regime. All the announcements would be read but it was his announcements that would attract people and me. I remember at that time I would hear the people were asking each other: “Who is he? Where has he been up to now?” His candid positions were important to people and would bring hope and joy for them. This way, people were acquainted with Imam’s name.  Gradually real combatants found their way and were attracted to Imam Khomeini’s movement. I also would add my information about Imam day by day. I found out despite being in a higher rank of knowledge, Imam had not published his treatise on shari’a (Islamic Jurisprudence).
I clearly remember one day when Mr. Falsafi read Ayatollah’s announcements in Arg Mosque, Imam’s announcement deeply impressed me. Despite he had not published his treatise I decided to follow his highness.
After public protests and issuing announcements by the clergy and teachers finally the bill of “Provincial Councils” was abolished.

Entering Anti-Baha’i Society
After the mentioned events, I felt some developments in my mind and emotions. It was like becoming thirsty and wanting to find a spring to be watered. During this period of thinking, my brother told me there was a society called “Anti-Baha’i Society”(2) which was fighting against the Baha’is. He suggested me too join this society and participate in their classes.
So I was introduced to Mr. Mina’ipoor -a pioneer of the society. Mr. Mina’ipoor was pious and good believer who was so interested in cultural activities. After passing some time in introducing and training sessions I was introduced to Mr. Morteza Khoda’i. He was one of the most experienced teachers and instructors of the society who was well-informed about Baha’i misleading thoughts. I spent some time on learning introductory Baha’i teachings, their ideological principals and proselytizing methods. During these classes the danger of Baha’ism became clear to me and I wholeheartedly started to learn Islamic believes and methods to impede the influence of Baha’ism.
Very soon after passing summary introductory courses I was able to start practical combat against Baha’ism and I entered Baha’i sessions. I would go to those sessions as a “Na’sh” (corpse)(3) and there I would gather information about the job, activity, name and address of people who were interested in becoming a Baha’i and then give those information to the Society. When we were entering the Baha’i proselytizing houses, they would try to check if we were an influencing element or not? We were well-trained and they would not find out.
For example, at that time drinking Pepsi was prohibited; so they would invite us to drink and we would accept, because in the society we were told to drink it because Ayatollah Boroujerdi had said that he would not drink Pepsi but it did not mean it was prohibited. Another way that they would check if somebody was a Muslim was wearing beard.  But Ayatollah Milani had permitted the people who participate in Baha’i sessions to shave in order not to be identified as a Muslim.
So we would shave and drink Pepsi and participate in Baha’i sessions and nobody would suspect. What I found out there was so painful for me. I could see most of the Muslims who were attracted to Baha’is were poor people who were in seek of a way for a better life.
The people who were in society were called “Moballeg”(proselytizer) and the rank was higher than “Na’sh”. They would go to the identified people by Na’shes and would save them from Baha’ism.
In some occasions after participating in some session the Baha’s would know us. In this case we would be replaced with another Na’sh. In course of activities in the society after some session of presence in Baha’i circles each Na’sh would become a Moballegh. After some time I also felt that I was ready to be a Moballegh and expected to be missioned for new tasks.
In the society’s sessions I was acquainted with people who each of them later became a combatant against the Pahlavi Regime; people such as: Javad Mansouri, Mohammad Mir Sadeghi, Nasser Naraghi, Abbas Mazaheri, and Akbar Urami …
Being a Member of society did not interrupt my usual activities. I was educating at Sina Teachers Training Center. Sometimes I would secretly take part of my activities there and would distribute Imam’s announcements among teachers and students there by putting the announcement papers on the tables and in the drawers.

Trembling Believes
I was not well aware about the doubts that Baha’is would make about Islam and knowhow to answer them. I thought that being informed about Sheikh Ahmad Ehsa’i, Bab and Baha is enough for me to take part in Baha’i circles that were full of heavy and mature discussions.
One day, Mr. Khodai, my instructor informed me that a butcher is going to be a Baha’i and we should find him. The session for this ceremony was about to be hold in a house in Reza’ee Street (After Navab crossroads).
I was there at the right time. There was a professional Baha’i proselytizer named Katira’ee who was talking. His speech began at sunset and continued up to midnight. He was talking about so-called distortions in Quran. About prophet Muhammad (PBUH) he said: “The meaning that Muslim believe that he is “Khatam” of prophets (the last prophet) is not right and “Khatam” means seal of a ring and…” step by step he went forward and bit by bit my believes were getting trembled. In the middle of his speech I was feeling a cold sense in my mind. Despite all those trainings that I had passed, the more I thought in his speech, the more I would lose believes.
At the end of the session my mind was hardly frozen and confused. I was not thinking about the butcher; who was he? And where was he? I had to find myself, to save my soul. I had a strange and indescribable feeling. My thoughts were destroyed and I was at the brink of infidelity. I was in a condition that if I had not pray before that session, I would not pray any more. I was there to identify that butcher man was going to be a Baha’i and save him, but I myself was in the tramp. I felt like sinking in a bog; by any move I felt deeper in that bog. I did not know if I was a Muslim or Baha’i then?! My believes’ pillars were trembling and falling down.
I came out of that session and started to walk aimlessly. To where? I did not know! I just was walking and would look at sides confusingly. I was crying so hard. Suddenly I found myself at a crossroad with a phone booth. I decided to call Mr. Khoda’ee, my instructor. I dialed the numbers with trembling fingers. His phone rang several times. His wife picked up the phone and said harshly: “Who is it at midnight?!” I said: “It’s me. Ahmad Ahmad, I want to talk to Mr. Khoda’ee.” She said: “Sir, it is 1 o’clock at night! What do you want?” I said: “It’s so important.” She said: “He is asleep now!” I got angry and shouted: “Asleep!? Lady! Go and call him! He has sent us to a desert without any shelter and now is relaxed asleep!? Lady! Wake him up, now is not the time for sleeping! Wake him up to answer me…”
Few minutes later, Morteza Khoda’ee picked up the phone and answered with a sleepy voice: “Yes!” I burst to cry. He said; “Yes! Ahmad! What’s up?” I controlled myself to some degree and said: “Nothing!, what do you want to hear?” and started to talk like kid who has reach to his parents and wants to narrate story and told what had happened to me. I was crying and talking. Sometime Ii would take in deep breath and continue to narrate the speech by that Baha’i proselytizer.
When I finished, Mr. Khoda’ee burst to laugh and said: “Ok, this is the story…, it was a bit soon for you to go there. It was my mistake. Firstly, I had to know who the proselytizer was and then sent you there. I had to be more careful.  Anyway, do you want to get your answer now? Let it be for tomorrow then we can talk together.” He had not answered me yet, but his voice had simmered me down. I said: “For the God’s sake, no. I cannot wait. I’ll die till tomorrow!” He said: “But it is 1:30 at midnight.” I said: “I have not gone home yet and I am in the street now. You should answer me tonight, not later. I should know what to do.” He asked: “Is it ok there? Nobody may interrupt?” I said no and he said: “Ok. Listen carefully...” He answered all the doubts that Baha’is present one by one. About one hour I was listening to him on the phone. As much as he talked I got calmer. Just like pouring water on fire. I lost my excitement and anger gradually. I felt relieved. I felt much better and my body was getting warmer. I was not angry anymore. I was free and happy…
At the end Mr. Khoda’ee asked: “Ok. How are you now?” I said: “Ok. But you had to tell me these things before. Why you did not?” He said: “It was my fault. It was soon for you to go there. The proselytizer in that session is an expert and he has been doing it for many years in Iran and someone like me or Mr. Mina’ipour should go there. You are passing the early ages in this battle ground and ...”
That night was an important memorable one. I saw by my own eyes that how easy someone may fall in a moment; lose everything and find them again a moment later. I found out that I should be more careful about myself; because each moment can be the time for falling into deep dangerous valleys of misery. I understood how weak I was and how limited was my capacity for analyzing and understanding. I swore to myself to try more in increasing my knowledge and insight.
After that event I started reading religious book seriously. I had detailed and long sessions of ideological discussions with Mr. Khoda’ee. I would also participate in Dr. Negin and Dr. Tavana classes. I also would listen to preaches by famous preachers and clergies and I thickened my knowledge in religion in a way that I was saved in future dangerous abysses.

(1) On October 8th 1962 Asadollah Alam government ratified the bill of “Provincial Councils” while the parliament was on holidays. This bill had three points: 1-Omitting the necessity of being Muslim for candidacy, 2-The representatives were not obliged to swear on Quran and swearing on Holy Books was enough, 3- In one of demagogic paragraphs it was mentioned that men and women were equal in social rights including participation in elections.
Finally on December 1st 1962, because of the opposition of the clergy and different classes of society the government announced that this bill would not be executed.
(2) “Anti-Baha’i Society” which was “Hojjatiyyeh Mahdaviyyeh Charitable Society” at the beginning was founded after the 1953 coup and later was known as “Hojjatiyyeh Mahdaviyyeh Society” or shortly “Hojjatiyyeh Society”.
(3) “Na’sh” (corpse) is the role that elementary people would accept after passing some training and then would penetrate in Baha’i circles. They would identify the people who were interested in being a Baha’i and then would introduce them to the society. The society would impede them from being a Baha’i by using the direction from the highly experienced experts. They were called “Na’sh” because their limited information and particular condition and positions would not let them to make any impact or accept any impact; just like a corpse.

Number of Visits: 5127


Full Name:
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