299th session of Memory Night -1

One Nation, One Leader and A Great Movement

Maryam Rajabi
Translated by Ruhollah Golmoradi


According to Iranian Oral History Website, 299th session of memory night of the sacred defense was held in Sooreh Hall of Hozeh Honari on Thursday, January 24, 2019. In this program, Ali Danesh Monfared, Ibrahim Etesam and Hojatoleslam Mohammad Jamshidi spoke about their memories of the struggle for victory of Islamic Revolution and captivity in prisons of Iraqi Ba'ath regime.

The first narrator of the 299th session of night of memory was Ali Danesh Monfared, a founder of IRGC, one of fighters against the Pahlavi regime, the main member of the headquarters of the committee for welcoming Imam Khomeini and manager of Refah School in 1978. He stated, "It was a strange time. The king had international supporters who strongly supported him. He felt he is eternal and abiding. The Shah advanced with his organization like the Army, SAVAK and all his supporters, and prisoned the liberators, Muslims, fighters and open-minded clerics. As far as he could, he delayed the real revolution. This fact changed political face of Iran in the years 1961-1962 through publicly rise of Imam Khomeini and informing people in an intense confrontation with the Shah and his agents. At that time, I was a student at University of Tehran and in group of Muslim students who spent those days in seclusion. Communists and those who did not believe Islam were intermediate. A number of Muslim students who were in different faculties and we worked in framework of Islamic student associations, and fought against the Shah's regime. Imam resisted bravely against corrupt Pahlavi regime, reminded and advised them. He warned Iranian nation and clerics that Islam is in danger. He fought against demagogue projects of the Imperial regime and called people into a new atmosphere of struggle. The struggle against Capitulation and presence of Americans and their responsibility in Iran was one of the issues that outraged the Shah's regime. Imam was a great politician. In 1961-1962 not many people still know Imam, and only those who were in the seminary and had close ties with religious authorities and Ulama knew Imam."



An image was displayed and Ali Danesh Monfared told about it, "This photo is related to the third day of coming of Imam Khomeini [to Iran in February 1979], when he came to Alavi School and wanted to introduce engineer Bazargan as head of interim administration. When Imam sat, he announced the decree of Bazargan as prime minister."

He added, "In any case, we had several meetings with Imam Khomeini (in the early years of 1960 and the first struggles) in Qom. They imprisoned him and then liberated. We as Muslim students visited Imam specifically. We had not seen him. That meeting was a weird visit for us. Imam entered in his firmly and strong mood. We had a statement and read it. Imam made remarks and believe that we who were pressurized in the university came out of the meeting proud and glorious. From that meeting onwards, with a great deal of energy, we enhanced our activities more and more. Our activities and custody and imprisonment continued. They arrested and tortured Imam's supporters. The clerics who named Imam in pulpit were immediately prosecuted and imprisoned. Imam made a statement from Najaf regularly and directed the Islamic movement. The movement rose and people were woken up and a spiritual and emotional bond was established between people and Imam. Imam was such a politician and leader who could seize heart of every people of Iran. Shah fled on January 16. He was feared of majesty of the movement, from awakening and revolution of people and left Iran. When Shah went, Imam made statement that I will return to Iran soon and will fight with you, whether we join toward many of our martyrs or wins. After this message, those who were related to Imam were immediately assembled, and it was planned to provide for imam coming.

In those days there was an institution called Council of Revolution that was secret. Imam had confirmed its members and they were in contact with Imam. Since Imam Khomeini was supposed to come, a public institution should be also established. His settlement position had to also be determined after counseling. Different places were raised. Martyr Motahari contacted Haj Ahmad Khomeini and asked Imam where he was supposed? Imam had a few criteria. First, it should be in heart of Tehran and fighting positions, and secondly, that it shouldn't be a private property. Some places were introduced and Imam agreed to be stationed in Refah School on Iran Street, alley of Mostajab. The school was a school that Muslim revolutionaries had set up; a school for girls that aimed at educating militant, Muslim and religious girls, and presenting them to the community.

A secret meeting was held in a house and members of the headquarters of the welcoming committee were appointed. Imam had said that the representative of all groups and currents that are loyal to the revolution would be in headquarters of the welcome committee. Shahid Mahalati and Shahid Mofatheh from Rowhâniyat-e Mobârez (Combatant Clergy Association), the late Shah Hosseini from Jebha-ye Mellī (National Front), Engineer Sabbaghian from Nahżat-e āzādi (Freedom Movement), Haj Asadollah Badamchian from Heiya'atha-ye moʾtalefe-ye eslāmi (Islamic Coalition Boards), and I also from Islamic Society of Teachers, all attended in  the headquarters of the welcoming committee. Firstly, it was supposed martyr Raja'ee to be in my position, but I was in charge of managing there (Refah School) and I was familiar with its situation; which is why he did not accept and said that knowledge would help you. There were also the late Tehranchi and Dr. Kazem Sami. The mission of the headquarters was to provide Hazrat Imam exit from airport to Refah School. Imam's view was that he first wanted to go Behesht-e Zahra, and have an allegiance with the martyrs, and remind them, and then go to his place. It was the most sensitive moments of the revolution. SAVAK and the army and agents of Shah were still present. There were a very security and sensitive condition. We had the duty to accompany Imam up-to-the-minute. We also should plan that when Imam enters, that who accompanies Imam from the plane, representatives of all strata to be in the airport, an article should be read in front of Imam to be selected, etc. ...; in central headquarters of the welcoming committee, martyr Motahhari, was connector of Revolution Council and was its member of the headquarters. He was present in all of our meetings and the first revolutionary institution was established in Refah School.

When the headquarters was completed, I undertook  its administrative duties. They instructed me to draw a chart and identify executive forces. I went from school to home and sat down on my table and drew the chart: the headquarters of the welcome committee, advertising committee, publication committee, committee of intelligence, etc., and people whom knew for years and didn't have any doubt about them should be chosen, and We put them in these places in order to prevent SAVAK and agents from entering. We appointed people gradually and the committee began to work on the January 21, 1979. The nation was told gradually that Imam is expected to come to the welcoming committee in Refah School. We did not have facilities, but when we announced, we were provided with machines of regional electricity company with portable transceiver. We needed phone that neighbors provided or Telecommunications Company gave to the revolutionaries. We did not allow filming, because the Pahlavi regime was still dominant and control largely that the clergy, religious authorities and revolutionaries came and waited.
Finally, flight of the revolution approached and Imam arrived at the airport. We asked Imam through martyr Motahari not go to Behesht-e Zahra, there is a danger. He should immediately come to the place of deployment, but Imam refused to accept it. We did not have military facilities, and people too, and later they took weapons from the regime. This huge revolution that took place in the world was formed only with a clerical leader and a rose nation that did not have weapons and military equipment. In fact, it was a nation and a leader and a great movement. Imam came and went to Behesth-e Zahra.

We had prepared for Imam bodyguard. We had found 10-15 people who knew and were revolutionary and had weapons as bodyguard for Imam. Due to presence of millions of people, they were able to move only a few steps with Imam, and with the currents that happened, Imam came to Behesht-e Zahra. We were waiting at school to see what happened. It took some time because Imam said that I should go to the 1000-bed hospital and visit those who were injured and hospitalized. People were in front of the school, and Baharestan Street was crowded. When Imam went to that hospital, so people were informed and thought something happened for Imam. They were mourning and crying. I went toward doctors' committee and told its director to call the hospital and ask what was going on. We became aware of the story and informed people too. Imam was tired and after hospital he went to house of one of his relatives.

It was about 8:30 p.m. We and all who were in the welcoming committee were worried that Imam finally rang and arrived. We guided Imam to a room we had provided. The guys told me that we want Imam to speak us. I begged Imam and he spoke to us. When Imam stationed, we asked what would you like for dinner? He said: "Whatever you like, I eat too." We had lentil rice pilaf and took it for Hazrat Imam. As I was in charge of planning the committee, had a room in front of Imam Khomeini's room; in midnight, we were awake when Imam Khomeini did Wudu and prayed night pray and in the morning, we held the first congregational prayer in Refah School behind Imam. Everything was utmost here, and Homafaran and the army forces wanted to come and give allegiance to Imam. Refah School was small. We talked and it was supposed that Imam to be transferred to Alavi School in the same street of Iran. Except for me, martyr Motahari, Haj Ahmad Agha and Haj Mehdi Eraqi no one know that. We talked with Imam to go to a car that had come to take him to Alavi School. In side courtyard, a number of theologue students had come and chanted. Haj Ahamd Agha tried to direct Imam to the car, but Imam heard the chant. He crossed Haj Ahmad and said I want to talk them. Imam went and talked with them for a few minutes and said that we have come here to win Islam and Revolution Inshallah. We have come to realize justice and equity in level of ourselves. I'll come to Qom soon and join you. Then he went to Alavi School.
Those days were sensitive days. People constantly seize SAVAK forces and brought and delivered us, and we kept them in courtyard. They started to capture military commanders who had killed people. We put elites in a classroom, ministers in other class and SAVAK forces in the courtyard. Some people with pen in hand went and wrote their specifications. When people seize the police station, they sent guns for us. It was fifteenth day of Bahman (February 4) that Imam determined the government. Then the prime minister was appointed. We took Mr. Bazargan to one of the classes and wrote on the door, "Prime Minister's Room". It had a very simple and ordinary table. He began his work and appointed three ministers. We took a piece of paper and wrote on it, "The Chamber of Ministers" and stuck it on door of another room. Several ministers came and sat in that room. Be careful that we were in a situation where it was unclear what was going to happen. Does the revolution win or not? But Imam determined the prime minister firmly. People brought guns from the street group by group and delivered. The school which was Imam station place was converted into prison of agents of the Pahlavi regime and Revolution Armory. People continue to bringing arms and agglomerate as if there were gathered up to rooftop G3; prisoners also like this. One day we saw that they caught Hoveyda like a mice and delivered us. Hoveyda was in one of gardens of Tehran who captured him. As he was prime minister, we could not mix him with other prisoners so that to be united. That's why we left him in a separate room. He asked us why did you get me? I said, "Don't you know?! It is Revolution.
Some rooms were determined as explosives material rooms. We did not know, but then an expert came and said if someone kicked them, they would explode the entire building. People knew that there was headquarters of the welcoming committee and center of the revolution, they came and said that we had captured a police station, ordered us to go and keep there. We did not have special devices to authenticate identity, that's why we wrote their names on a paper and signed to get that police station. They went with Imam's welcoming committee decree and did their mission. By the same decree, majority of Tehran regions were taken by people; until the revolution won on February 11 and the Cabinet went to the prime minister, the prisons went under control of the revolution and weapons were transferred to military and Army centers. This period of the revolution has been neglected, because it could not be filmed. If there was a short video recording, it was not clear what happened for them. The Center for Islamic Revolution Documents interviewed me and a number of documents have been registered there. A number of documents have also been published, but this period alone is a period of the revolution that needs to be addressed more. My word is a small part of memories from January 21 to 11 1979.


To be continued…

Number of Visits: 3757


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